Athletes in Transition – Agent’s Perspective
NFL agent and CEO of The Game Sports Management and Media, Vincent Calo takes time out of his hectic training camp schedule to talk to ACE about athletes in transition and how to cope with the ever changing circumstances surrounding one’s journey through a professional sports career.
Becoming a Leader in Different Cultures Post Transition
BY GREG SCHINDLER: Transitioning into a new career is difficult for everyone, but athletes could arguably have the most difficult of transitions, going from their athletic careers into the professional world. Athletes are known for completely immersing themselves in their sport; it is no longer a sport that they just play, but rather it becomes … Continued

Check out this month’s video intro to “Athlete Transitions”.
Maintaining Elite Performance When Transitioning
BY DR. LOGAN KALETA: Athletes are undeniably forced to transition very frequently throughout their careers. They may change coaches, play for different teams, relocate to different cities, excel up the ranks within their sport, and ultimately face retirement. This unavoidable change emphasizes the importance of adaptation. It is those athletes whom often find … Continued